Know before you travel

After being confined for months, people are ready to travel. Whether domestic or international, there are a few considerations to make if you plan to travel. From my lived experiences, here are five things I think you should consider.


Be prepared to show vaccine documentation and not just for covid-19. As I stated in a previous blog post, being vaccinated against covid-19 or other viruses does not permit you to act without thought for others. In addition, there is no uniformity in requirements locally or internationally for vaccine or testing documentation. Know that the documentation you have given to you at your local vaccination or testing site may not be acceptable at some places as valid documentation. Be aware and know before you fly.

Visa requirements.

Many new travelers overlook the fact that some countries require a visa before entry. The US Department of State is a great site to visit to determine if the country you are planning to visit has visa requirements and what they are. Although the US passport is highly valued, many countries still require a visa before entry. Sometimes these are available at the airport, but some countries require prior authorization.

Passport requirements.

Many people assume that having a passport is all that’s needed for international travel. However, as a general rule, US travelers need to have at least six months of validity left on their passports before they travel. Of course, there may be cases where this is not a requirement, but please ensure you have a valid passport if you plan to travel.

Flight options.

Flights are another overlooked aspect of travel that many new travelers do not realize is important. Often new travelers are swayed by the price of the trip rather than the duration of the journey. It is essential to consider whether your flight is nonstop, and if not, how many stops are included to reach your destination. As a rule, most travelers try not to have less than an hour between flights to be cautious of delays. However, some routes might include long airport layovers or even overnight stays. Be careful with your flight options.

Trip insurance.

I have also written about trip insurance before. I highly recommend adding the cost to your travel budget. With unforeseen personal circumstances, airline delays or cancellations, and weather conditions, travel insurance is well worth the cost to ensure your travel goes smoothly, or you are aptly compensated.

There are many things to consider when planning travel. With so many travelers choosing to make plans on their own, knowing what’s needed is essential. Have you ever been caught unaware? I’d like to know.


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